Jonathan "Ryomasa" Mendoza
Jonathan Mendoza is a queer Fil-Am therapist specializing in the intersection between drama therapy and the world of roleplaying games by day, and a designer, dramaturge, performer, producer, and writer by night: bringing the full force of that selfsame education to bear in creating stories of grief, joy, loss, and found family.
That said, you probably know them by their love of the Western genre, their enthusiasm for designing firearms for tabletop roleplaying games at any opportunity, and the poker chips that serve as their calling card.
Chances are, you're here because you have one.

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FEAST OR FAMINE — as CHRISTIAN (guest — Ep. 6)
We meet two other guests of the same rivaling crew in the Fabrication. Kairos cannot touch one and Soul meets Number One. Vive la France. A City of Mist short-run actual play. Aired on Bad House RPG (May 2024).HAWTHORNE MANOR — as BERTHOLT
Four people of dubious morals enter a palace in search of their greatest desires. A Trophy Dark short-run actual play. Premiered on Nerdsmith (April 2024).BALIKBAYAN — as ZEKE
A Kids on Bikes familial horror one-shot actual play promoting the Kickstarter for Jeff Estrella's comic Balikbayan. Aired on Bad House RPG (March 2024).FROM THE LIBRARY — as JOSIAH WILLIAMS (recurring — Eps. 9-12)
A Monster Care Squad actual play. Premiered on Classical Adventures For One (January 2024).
GUNMETAL SOUL — as HAYDEN DELGADO (recurring — Eps. 6-11, Deadmetal Soul Interlude)
A ragtag group sets forth from Castle Refuge on a mission of loyalty, debt, and adventure. A Rifts actual play. Premiered on Gunmetal Rifts (December 2022).STAR LIGHT — as MANNY
A Ten Candles familial horror one-shot actual play. Originally aired on Classical Adventures For One (December 2022).SYOS 2022: TIL DEATH DO US PART — as SAAMIL AYANI (guest)
A special episode exploring the history of Andake and The Thousand Year War. Aired on Transplanar RPG (November 2022).DEMON'S CREEK — as EZEKIEL
An Urban Shadows Western short-run actual play. Premiered on Friends Who Roll Dice (August 2022).DUNGEONS & DA ASIANS: BAMBOO IN THE DARK — as HANG (recurring, W'leed Prequel Special)
Guest dramatic manager Kevin Nguyen delves into W'leed's backstory in this two-part actual play special. Premiered on Asians Represent (August 2022).TRINITY CONTINUUM: SINS OF THE PAST — as AGENT LAFITTE & ROLAND BERENSON
An adventure of mysteries, history, and power that spans generations. A Trinity Continuum actual play. Premiered on Devil's Luck Gaming (April 2022).ALIEN ANTHOLOGY: CHARIOT OF THE GODS — as CHAM (recurring — Eps. 1-2)
A routine job turns into a nightmare when a salvage crew is tasked to answer a disress call from a ship last seen almost 80 years ago. An actual play of three published scenarios for the ALIEN RPG. Premiered on Gehenna Gaming (March 2022).
Darkness comes to the town of Devonsport. A Kult short-run actual play. Premiered on Devil's Luck Gaming (October 2021).HEROES OF THE HORIZON — as D1AB0L1ST (recurring — Eps. 5-11, 13, Fates Come Forth Special)
The superhero-run company Horizon confronts dangers that threaten alternate-universe modern-day New York. A Cortex actual play. Premiered on Devil's Luck Gaming (September 2021).FEAR ITSELF — as JOMARI
A Fear Itself charity actual play benefitting Charity Water. Aired on Friends Who Roll Dice (October 2021).STAR WARS: HEROES OF THE REPUBLIC — as CT-2701 "SUNRISE"
As Jedi general Ki-Ad-Mundi and Republic troops fight to destroy the remaining Confederacy military positions on the planet Mygeeto, a covert mission begins. A Ross Rifles one-shot actual play. Premiered on Asians Represent (May 2021).DUSKVOL DELICACIES — as VALPURGA
A Blades in the Dark charity actual play benefitting Extra Life. Aired on Greater Restoration (May 2021).VAMPIRE THE MASQUERADE: CONCERTO EN NOCTURNE — as JD CHANDLER (recurring — Eps. 14-16, 26-28)
A Vampire coven in New York gets tangled up in deadly machinations. A Vampire: the Masquerade actual play. Premiered on Devil's Luck Gaming (May 2021).
In the 23rd Century, an independent Mars vies with old Earth for political power and influence, while the Belt and the Outer Planets labor and chafe under the rule of the Inners. Unbeknownst to humanity, history is taking a most unexpected turn. An Expanse RPG short-run actual play. Premiered on unMadeGaming (July 2020).THRALL — as SAMA'EL
In the world of Andorus, war is as constant as the seasons. The brutal warlord Landslide has conquered nearly 70% of the known world. In the small town of Laclede, the spark of resistance ignites. A Dungeons and Dragons short-run actual play. Premiered on unMadeGaming (April 2020).THROUGH THE GLASS — as LAKI
Strange crimes, gruesome murders, and the shiver of ancitipation in the air: not everything is as it seems in the bustling metropolis of Toranna. A Monster of the Week short-run actual play. Premiered on unMadeGaming (January 2020).
GODKILLER: LAST HOPE — BTS photographer (June 2024).A WORLD UNDONE — Writers room (November 2022).HEROES OF THE HORIZON — Video editor (September 2021).
ALTERED CARBON: ICARUS COMPLEX — GM & digital asset designer
Body, memory, and technology clash and uproot the lives of three misfits in this neon-noir mystery. A Cortex actual play. Premiered on Devil's Luck Gaming (December 2021).VAULT OF HEAVEN: REMNANT ROAR — GM
A sequel to the VAULT OF HEAVEN one-shot actual play. Aired on Scratticus Academy (June 2020).VAULT OF HEAVEN — GM
A Fate Core one-shot actual play set in a spin-off of the Lancer universe. Aired on Scratticus Academy (April 2020).
Eldritch Automata — narrative designer (TBD).Pathfinder 2E: Howl of the Wild — Rumindrol; Beast Guns (June 2024).ESOTERXC ENXGMAS: A [BXLLET> Supplement — sole designer (May 2022)Through the Veil: Treasures of the Feywild — Gaze of Mag Tureah (July 2021).
Val talks to Team Godkiller: Last Hope! — Dicey Banter: Roundtable (August 2024).Let's Talk About TTRPGS! — The QueerXP (November 2023).Interview with Jonathan Mendoza — Ep. 110, Tabletop Journeys (February 2023).Welcome to Kung Fu Island — Roll for Solidarity Panel 1, Transplanar RPG (July 2021).Magic the Gathering, Strixhaven, Stereotypes, and the Model Minority Myth — The Wrap Up Ep. 13, The Asians Represent Podcast (April 2021).What Happens When You Experience Bleed While Roleplaying? — The Wrap Up Ep. 12, The Asians Represent Podcast (March 2021).Failing Forward — Gen Con Online (August 2020).Beyond Evil - Playing a Truly Divisive PC — Gen Con Online (August 2020).Mental Health and Wellbeing in Table-Top Role-Playing — Quaranstreams Podcast Ep. 3, GEAS Edinburgh (May 2020).
Splat 3: Touched — Pulling Levers: Checking "Red" on Romance (2022).